Five for Friday – 5 surveys that you can participate in
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Thank you to everyone who attended CCF’s 2021 Annual Conference.
We are very excited to announce that our 2022 conference planning is already underway. Please save the date for February 23-25, 2022.
If you haven’t taken the surveys, please take a few moments to complete them. These surveys are very important in our planning for the conference.
This week we would like to share 5 surveys that you can participate in. Thank you for your help and being a part of this community!

Please note you can also find all of these surveys on our platform, which is still open. The surveys can be found in the CCF Booth, Home page and on the side menu bar.
If you have something you’d like to share, please reach out to Allison Deragon at allison.deragon@cholangiocarcinoma.org.