Request Support
A diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma can be both stressful and confusing. Mentors can provide support, resources, and hope through this difficult period. Volunteers are cholangiocarcinoma survivors, current patients, caregivers, family members or friends of a cholangiocarcinoma patient.
How it Works
1. Fill out the Form
Fill out the Mentor Request Form below, providing us more information about yourself and your experience with Cholangiocarcinoma.
2. Someone Will Reach Out
The Program Manager will connect you with a mentor from our network who shares a profile similar to yours.
3. Connect with a Mentor
Mentors will make the initial contact with the patient or caregiver and begin discussions either over the phone or through email.

About Mentors
CholangioConnect is comprised of patients, caregivers, and mentors experienced in cholangiocarcinoma. Through CholangioConnect, patients have the opportunity of connecting with other patients and caregivers with similar circumstances.
The service is free. The program is not intended to give medical advice.
CholangioConnect offers patients, caregivers, family members and friends the opportunity to ask questions and receive support from mentors who volunteer.
A diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) can be both stressful and confusing. Mentors volunteer their time to help patients and caregivers. Volunteers are cholangiocarcinoma survivors, patients, caregivers, family members or friends of a cholangiocarcinoma patient.
Mentors may share their personal diagnosis and treatment experiences if asked. However, the volunteers will not give medical advice or assist patients in contacting medical professionals.
Information shared between mentors and patients concerning treatments, medications or therapies should be discussed with a physician.
Our mission of supporting the cholangiocarcinoma community does not stop when patients lose their battle with this disease. CholangioConnect has a group of volunteers who have lost a loved one to cholangiocarcinoma and are willing to offer support.
Patients or caregivers request a mentor by completing a questionnaire on the CholangioConnect web page.
The Program Manager will respond to requests, then begin the process of connecting patients with a mentor experienced in cholangiocarcinoma who shares a similar profile.
The Program Manager will notify you by email when you have been connected with a mentor.
Your application will be shared with your assigned mentor who has received training in confidentiality.
Please provide us your contact information by