Linda Jasinski
Linda Theresa (Huie) Jasinski, age 72, of Southwest Ranches, Florida, passed away peacefully on March 23rd 2022 after a courageous journey with cancer. In celebration of her life and to honor her memory, we are initiating a fund-raising campaign for the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation.
Linda became a flight attendant in 1973, enjoying a long and fulfilling career that spanned five decades. This included time spent at National Airlines, Pan-Am, Carnival, and American Airlines. She also had the honor of flying the White House Press Charters, where she met President George Bush and President Bill Clinton, as well as Pope John Paul II.
Linda would never hesitate to go out of her way for anyone that needed her, and many times offered help before even being asked. She was warm and welcoming, and her house and her arms were open to all.
Linda was everyone’s greatest cheerleader and her encouragement made you feel like you could do anything. She would listen and offer caring advice. She blessed many lives and was an incredible source of love and compassion to all those that were lucky enough to know her. If you knew her, you knew her light.
Linda did everything she could to stay in our presence for as long as she could and there is peace knowing she joins the love of her life in God’s Glorious Kingdom. Her tremendous impact in our lives will be felt forever. We ask that you keep her family in your thoughts & prayers during this difficult time.

Click here to contribute in the name of [wpbb post:title]
If you wish to donate by phone, please call (888) 936-6731 and speak with Laurie Kikel. If you wish to donate by mail, send check to:
CCF – In honor of [wpbb post:title]
5526 West 13400 South, #510
Herriman, Utah 84096, USA