Journey of Hope: Day 28
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Have you ever thought about what the word obscure means? One definition is that it’s a state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant. Well, when you spend a lot of time in the car, by yourself, it’s amazing the obscure things you think about. Two examples from today while driving through KY. and WV. (two states filled with beautiful countryside and scenery):
1). What’s the difference between a hill and a mountain?
2). Where did the slang word “holler” come from?
I can give you the answers, however, you may want to look these up yourself. Or just ignore it altogether!
Today was a 500+ mile day starting in the Nashville, TN area heading in a northeasterly direction through Lexington, KY. (stunning horse country), and then along into WV. Each of these states has a lot to offer for people that want to get off the highway and explore. It was when I was driving on ever-narrowing roads heading to Hope, KY, that I started thinking about the word “holler”.
Then, after entering WV., and passing through Charleston, you realize the rest of the state seems to be a continuous set of hills and curves. According to a host at a WV. visitor center that I spoke with until 1976 the state’s license plates used to say “Mountain State”. Now they say “Wild, Wonderful”. See, maybe even the state couldn’t agree on the difference between a hill and a mountain!
Oh, the wonder of it all!
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