Journey of Hope: Day 5
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Miles to Date: 1,596(1st 10% of the journey)
Another great day on the JoH! This morning Linda and I had the opportunity for a meet-up outside the Fred Hutch Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Our mission was to meet with and give thanks for the amazing dedication four doctors are giving towards improving the lives, and finding a cure, for cholangiocarcinoma patients now and in the future. This included Dr. Sita Kugel, PhD, Dr. Raymond S. W. Yueng, Dr. William P. Harris, and Dr. Gentry King. Additionally, we learned about the incredible work of Dr. Suprya “Shoop” Saha, who was with us in spirit. Dr. Saha passed away at the age of 40, and his wife, Dr. Kugel, is now expanding her own legacy by carrying on the contributions he made in finding a cure for cholangiocarcinoma. Additionally, we had the opportunity to meet five team members from Zymeworks, one of the Journey of Hope sponsors. It was a great way to make the human connection with two great teams that are on the same mission.
Upon leaving Seattle, we headed east across the state of Washington through mountain passes/ski areas in the Cascade Range that still have snow, across vast farmlands experiencing significant winds and blowing topsoil onto the Spokane Valley, close to the Idaho border.
Tomorrow brings on a new adventure, as we head north towards the border with Canada.
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