Racing for Hope Journal Entry 8 – Marathon #1
Well, this was unbelievable! Leading up to the marathon, we shared our story on our neighborhood Facebook page. I shared about the run and why I was doing it. The support we got on Facebook and while running was amazing! I can’t thank all of those that came out or wrote encouraging words on those posts enough! I started at 7:05am. I had a few prearranged meetings with Mandy so she could refill my water and gels. It was pitch black and cold when I started. I had two neighbors come out early to help get me started! I had on my Flynn Ryder costume on and knew that when I finished, I would have my 2 little rupunzels waiting for me! I saw a coyote on my run at about mile 4, it was cool! When I meet Mandy at about mile 8, I was under 1 hour and 30 minutes into the run. After getting a new water bottle and taking off a long sleeve shirt, headlamp, and box gear vest, I was back on the road. Mile 14ish, I was hurting some and was about to walk when all of a sudden, I hear a car horn and some yells! It was a neighbor cheering me on. I didn’t walk until I meet Mandy at mile 16. Another water bottle switch and more gels, she tied my shoes since my fingers were too cold to work, and I was back on my way. Mile 17.28, I saw my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and their kids. That pushed me to have my fastest mile of the whole run!! Mile 20, I meet Mandy and the girls one last time. I got a banana, water, and a couple of gels and again was on my way. I saw one more neighbor at about mile 23, and then I was on my own for the next 3.32 miles. But running down my street to my house and the finish line, I saw my family, friends, and neighbors (my little rupunzels and wife wearing Minnie Mouse ears)…. It was amazing! I am so incredibly happy and am lucky to have the support I do. I finished at 4 hours and 37 minutes. It was 1 hour and 4 minutes faster than my personal record! I’m so happy with how race one went, and I honestly can’t wait for number 2 only 7 weeks away!!