Tag: CCF

The 5th Annual Quack Out Cholangio 5k Run/Walk to Crush Bile Duct Cancer
The 5th Annual Quack Out Cholangio 5k Run/Walk to Crush Bile Duct Cancer was held May 18th at Midnight Oil…

Happy Retirement to Donna Mayer
The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation announces the retirement of Donna Mayer. Donna worked tirelessly to help build CCF into a trusted, global…

Bill recognizing Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Day clears Ohio Senate, heads to governor
[caption id="attachment_32760" align="alignright" width="214"] Rep. Cindy Abrams (R-Harrison)[/caption] The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation congratulates Rep. Cindy Abrams (R-Harrison) and the Ohio legislature…

Vietnam veterans with cholangiocarcinoma get help filing claims with the VA in commemoration of Veterans Day
Navigating how to file claims with Veterans Affairs can be daunting when diagnosed with a rare disease such as cholangiocarcinoma…