
Racing for Hope Journal Entry 9
Well after the first marathon, it was back to normal life. Training runs, work, doctor appointments with Mandy, the everyday…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 8 – Marathon #1
Well, this was unbelievable! Leading up to the marathon, we shared our story on our neighborhood Facebook page. I shared…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 7 - Racing for hope after Christmas
Well, we missed Christmas and have spent a week in the hospital. The whole time I was so frustrated with…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 6 - Christmastime
Alright, let's get down to business, shall we? After Mandy's 2 year cancer-versary, we went to Minnesota to see some…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 5 - 2 years after diagnosis
Sorry, it's been a little bit since I updated you guys on everything but here we are back at it…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 4

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 3
Week 3 and I am already making big strides in the training! I'm getting faster, which is really cool. Hopefully,…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 2
So, we are into week 2 of training! This past weekend, I did a Spartan super race on Saturday. On…

Racing for Hope Journal Entry 1
Hello! I don't really know how to start this, but here we go! If you are reading this, I'm assuming…